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Birders and photographers at work...Birdwatchers looking for the Snail Kite at the Caribbean Site north entrance of the Panama Canal Gatun Lake Colon by boat tour, Central birdwatching tours, bird checklists, birdlist, tropical rainforest birds and nature photography tour, expert guides and guiding, bierding hot spots, bird watching birds, birdwatcher going birding, finding birds in panama, bird diversity, zone birding. Biredwatchers birding Central Panama, Pipeline Road, Achiote, Altos del Maria, Burbayard, Cerro Campana, Campo Chagres, Cerro Azul, Shore Birding, Darien, El Chiru, El Valle, Harpy Tour, Metropolitan Park, Panama Viejo, Pipeline Road, Plantation Road,San Lorenzo, Summit Ponds, Urban Birding Birdwatchers looking for the Snail Kite at the Caribbean Site north entrance of the Panama Canal Gatun Lake Colon by boat tour, Central birdwatching tours, bird checklists, birdlist, tropical rainforest birds and nature photography tour, expert guides and guiding, bierding hot spots, bird watching birds, birdwatcher going birding, finding birds in panama, bird diversity, zone birding.


Guided birding tours

Guided Birding Tours

Panama Birdwatching

Guided Birding Tours

Central panama birds








Terms Conditions and Limitations of Liability 

From here on,  panama bird guide, guided bird tours, or any assign name, its owners, agents and employees will be named and referred to as The PROVIDER.

Deposit, reservations and final payments:

For all reservations and before booking a service, we require a deposit.  Balance for single day trip, tour, activity or transfer are to be pay in cash to the driver/guide at the end of the service. When cancelling a service, the deposit is not refundable.  

For booking consecutive day trips, packages, tours, activity  or transfers a deposit is require and the balance 30 days before departure Day 1 or as solicited.  Cancellations with written notice with more than 90 days prior to day of departure full refund.  Between 90 and 60 days prior to day of departure 50% of the deposit will be refundable. Less than 30 days prior to day of departure no refund.  Receive a full refund if a replacement equal to your reservation is provided, and should be solicited in writing and approve by The Provider.

Refund handling cost  20% handling cost will be charged to any of the full refunds situation.

Itinerary changes and reservations:
The PROVIDER will reserve the right to change accommodations, tour-guide, packages, program's dates and itineraries as conditions warrant. If a trip must be delayed, or itinerary changed due to bad weather, road conditions, transportation delays, government intervention, sickness or other contingency for which The PROVIDER or its agents cannot make provision, the cost of delays or changes is not included in the original balance due.

Itinerary cancellation:
The PROVIDER reserves the right to cancel an itinerary before departure for any reason whatsoever, including to few participants or logistical problems such as strikes, wars, acts of god, or any other circumstances which may make operation of the tour inadvisable. All tour payments received in advance by  The PROVIDER will be promptly refunded, and this refund will be the limit of our The PROVIDER liability. The PROVIDER is not responsible for any expenses incurred by tour members, operators, guides or agents in preparing for the tour, including non-refundable or penalty-carrying airline tickets, special clothing, visa or passport fees, or other tour related expenses.
Where deemed advisable for the comfort and well-being of the participants The PROVIDER  reserves the right to cancel any individual participation as a trip or tour member prior or during a trip/tour/transfer package.

The PROVIDER does not provide liability insurance for the protection of individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, spectators, or others who may participate in the trip/tour/transfer or packages.

                     Limitations of liability  
I am aware that the trip/ tour/ transfer package is based on field experiences and thus involves exposure to various risks including, but not limited to, proximity to wild animals, possible snakebites and insect bites, as well as the use of vehicles and boats. I also understand that the Monument is located in a remote area with limited resources to respond to medical emergencies of any kind. I realize that I am voluntarily assuming all such risks and am responsible for and required to obtain my own insurance policies as protection against any loss or damage associated with such risks.
I am aware that Gonzalo Horna G., panama bird guide, guided bird tours, or any assign name, its owners, agents and employees give notice that they act only as the agent for the owners, contractors and suppliers providing means of transportation, accomodation, meals, guiding and /or all other related travel services and assume no responsibility at all caused for death, injury, loss, or damage to person or property in connection with any service resulting directly from: acts of god, detention, annoyance, delays, expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force majeure, failure of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled, civil disturbances, terrorism, government restrictions or regulations and discrepancies or changes in transit or hotel/lodge services. Reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made where deemed advisable for the comfort and well-being of the host. On advancement of deposit to pbg, the depositor, his group, companion, escort, clients  and persons accompany him, or travelling by themselves acknowledges that he/she/them has read and understands the above recited terms and conditions and limitations of liability, and agrees to be bound by them.
The PROVIDER reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the terms and conditions and in the Limitations of Liability without privious notice.
In the event of a dispute, arising out of or in connection with tour i will make a good faith effort to try to resolve amicably. In the event amicable settlement cannot be reached, the federal courts in the Republic of Panama will be the forum for any legal action arising out of or incident to this resignation. This waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Panama.

The depositor, his group, companion, escort, clients and persons accompany him, or travelling by themselves acknowledges that he/she/them has read and understands the above recited terms and conditions and limitations of liability, and agrees to be bound by them.




We must receive the original signed waiver of liability before DAY 1.


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