|   4 DAYS BIRDING TOUR   |    Black-capped Donacobious,Golden-collared Manaking,Spectacle Owl, Black-crowned Night-Heron








ticket only...

per pax

Rainforest Discovery Center   (PRDC tower and hummingbird feeders) in Pipeline  Road...             

$30 ea.

when visiting Panama PRDC add $30 per person when not included in price.

Book Pipeline Rd + PRD Center!

     GUIDED TOUR  BIRDING ALL MORNING  (6:00am till noon = 6hrs... price is per person) tour starts from your hotel in Panama City  or Gamboa Town.

This is a private birding tour, guided by a professional bird guide that will dedicate the complete morning to you and your party. Also we can go for a complete day of birdwatching or during several consecutive days. Packages of 4, 7 and 10 days are available.  Birding Pipeline Road, Bird watching Panama Pipeline Road.
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At  the Soberania National Park,

Pipeline Road Panama is one of the best places in America for tropical birds exceeding the 400+ species. Other places worth visiting next to Pipeline Road in Gamboa is Ammo Dump, the surroundings of the Pipeline main entrance road and the

 Gamboa Town. 

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Forty five minutes from Panama City, or two minutes from Gamboa Town, the entrance to Pipeline Road Gamoa is easily reached by car or just walking from Gamboa Town. Other good area on the way to Pipeline is Ammo Dump well known for water birds. 

Entrance park fee for foreigners is us $5.00 per person.


Easy... to Moderate... to ■ Hard

Easy to moderate walking is require.
Easy... to Moderate... to ■ Hard

Book Pipeline Rd + PRD Center!

With an early morning start, expect to see by noon 60 to 80 species. By the end of the day a final count of 90+ is common.

Birding is done by walking through the first 4 km passing through tall secondary and mature tropical forest with some scrubbier areas. Along the way many small creeks will cross the road and give good opportunity to get into and follow them for specific species. 
The road was built in the late 1930 to service a pipeline that crossed from ocean to ocean but was never used. 

The climate in Central Panama /Canal Zone is usually warm, with mornings in the 70s and afternoons in the 80s. Conditions at midday can be humid and very warm, with temperatures reaching into the lower 90s. Rainstorms may occur at any time of year, but are more likely during the rainy season, which runs from the summer months into early December. Generally, the weather in Central Panama is mild and pleasant, with our activities corresponding to the cooler parts of the day and heightened bird activity.

In Gamboa town, you will find small and comfortable B&B´s (family type operation) for overnight. Panama City is only 45 minutes from Pipeline Road and driving back and forth is not a big issue. For reservations or reference click here, we will be glad to help you.

There is no restaurant besides the B&B which serves meals to their guests, and the fancy Gamboa Rainforest Resort...
if solicited in advance B&B´s can help with this.

Light clothing is recommended: cotton shirts or t-shirts - earth colors preferable- long (preferable) and short pants, poncho, hiking shoes, hat, insect repellent and sun block. Dress as for tropical hot humid weather and be ready for rain. 

Binoculars, scope (optional), field guide, notebook and camera (optional ). 

These two books are an example of hard work put into, and for the benefit, of conserving Panama´s birds: 
“The Birds of Panama, a field guide by George R Angehr and Robert Dean Can be describeed as the “bible” forPanama and some Costa Rica birds. First published 2010 .This excellent field guide is highly recommended as your primary reference book on the birds. 
“An Illustrated Field Guide to the Birds of Panama” by Ernesto Ponce and Giselle Muschett, 2006, 1st Edition. It can be described as “a descriptive fieldwork tool” for fast information .

NOTE: Other excellent places to visit for birding, and just 15 minutes by car from Pipeline Road are Old Gamboa Road and Summit Ponds . For more information.


This is a listing of some birds (by memory) we have seen along the Pipeline Road and surrounding areas on different tours, and some additions from friends, guess and people who have collaborated sharing with us their sightings. The list is continuously on the move. Feel free to send your findings and comments to info@birdingbyboattour.com
Among the specialties found in Pipeline Road :
Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo ( very rare)
Agami Heron
Great Curassow
Gray Elaenia
White-ringed Flycatcher
Brownish Twistwing 
Spot-crowned Antvireo
Speckled Mourner
Tawny-faced Gnatwren
Russet Antshrike
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Look for:
Yellow-green Tyrannulet (endemic)
Pheasant Cuckoo
Sepia -capped Flycatcher,
Lance-tailed Manakin
Rosy Thrush-Tanager
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager...

Also look for:
Spot-crowned Barbet
Keel-billed Toucan
Collared Aracari
Red-crowned Woodpecker
Lineated Woodpecker
Bare-crowned Antbird
Stripe-breasted Wren
Gray Hawk
Pale-vented Pigeon
Short-billed Pigeon
Squirrel Cuckoo
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Barred Antshrike
Chestnut-backed Antbird
White-necked Puffbird
Black-breasted Puffbird
Panama Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Elaenia
Black-headed Tody Flycatcher
Northern Bentbill
Masked Tityra
Purple-throated Fruitcrow
Golden-collared Manakin
Bay Wren
Black-bellied Wren
Stripe-breasted Wren
Northern Waterthrush
Thick-billed Euphonia
Flame-rumped Tanager
Golden-hooded Tanager
Streaked Saltator
Buff-throated Saltator
Variable Seedeater
Yellow-faced Grassquit
Yellow-tailed Oriole
Scarlet-rumped Cacique
Yellow-rumped Cacique

Other birding tour locations available: Metropolitan Park, Old Gamboa Road, Plantation Road, Achiote Road, El Valle, Cerro azul.           


Book Pipeline Rd + PRD Center!

74 Reviews TripAdvisor  Panama Bird Guide



Guided birding tours


Panama Birdwatching

Panama Birdwatching Tours local birdguides

Central panama birds






Knowledgeable skill bilingual birding guides to show endemic and mix of Central-South-America Panama birds visiting rainforest and freshwater birdingboat. Photo by Barbara Sounders.









Book this Tour!

White Hawk photo by Eva Callahan, bird field guide  The Birds of Panama by Robert  Ridgley.  Great book for birding tours identifying hawks

White Hawk photo by Eva Callahan

 Biredwatchers birding Central Panama, Pipeline Road, Achiote, Altos del Maria, Burbayard, Cerro Campana, Campo Chagres, Cerro Azul, Shore Birding, Darien, El Chiru, El Valle, Harpy Tour, Metropolitan Park, Panama Viejo, Pipeline Road, Plantation Road,San Lorenzo, Summit Ponds, Urban Birding





Black-breasted Puffbird Birdwatchers looking for the Snail Kite at the Caribbean Site north entrance of the Panama Canal Gatun Lake Colon  by boat tour, Central birdwatching tours, bird checklists, birdlist, tropical rainforest birds and nature photography tour, expert guides and guiding, bierding hot spots, bird watching birds, birdwatcher going birding, finding birds in panama, bird diversity, zone birding.

Black-breasted Puffbird


Birders and photographers at work...Birdwatchers looking for the Snail Kite at the Caribbean Site north entrance of the Panama Canal Gatun Lake Colon by boat tour, Central birdwatching tours, bird checklists, birdlist, tropical rainforest birds and nature photography tour, expert guides and guiding, bierding hot spots, bird watching birds, birdwatcher going birding, finding birds in panama, bird diversity, zone birding.





Red-lored Amazon. Darien,bird specie,great tinamu,dusky-faced tanager, rufous mourner, black and yellow tanager,barred antshrike photo by Gonzalo Horna.

Red-lored Amazon by GHorna


Birdwatchers looking for the Snail Kite at the Caribbean Site north entrance of the Panama Canal Gatun Lake Colon by boat tour, Central birdwatching tours, bird checklists, birdlist, tropical rainforest birds and nature photography tour, expert guides and guiding, bierding hot spots, bird watching birds, birdwatcher going birding, finding birds in panama, bird diversity, zone birding.