This is a guided birding
tour to foothills and rainforest birds in El Valle and surroundings..
BIRDING ALL DAY (6:00am till 3:00pm price is per person..
When Tour to El Valle starts from Colon, Gamboa, Hotel Decameron, Hotel Playa
Blanca, Buenaventura,
a surcharge may apply for transportation and lodging for the birdguide.
Advance booking is necessary.
To the west of Panama
City we find a mountain range cloud forest elevating from 800 m (2500 ft) to
1,007m (3000 ft) from sea level, home to many highlands and foothills
species and other more widespread species are here as well. Expect to see an
avifauna different from the ones found in the lowlands of the Canal area. Be
prepared for chilled nights and mornings. To complete the day, another place
worth visiting on the way is Cerro Campana or Punta Chame. There are always
so many birds around El Valle that each outing is sure to produce many El Valle
birds in La Mesa, Cerro Gaital and more. LOCATION Two hours+ drive
from Panama City will take you to El Valle. We recommend to overnight.
(is included in price)
Entrance park fee for foreigners is US $0.00 per person
(when applicable)
. Local US $0.00
Easy... to ■
Moderate high... to ■ Hard
FITNESS Easy to moderate walking is requireed.
■ Easy... to ■
Moderate high...
to ■ Hard
WHAT TO EXPECT With an early morning start, expect to see by noon
45 to 60 species. By the end of the day a final count of 70+ is common.
You will be birding cooler highlands at about 900m (2700 ft) from sea level.
Transported by car to the birding areas, stopping when needed . Birding in the
best areas like Cerro Gaital, La Mesa - to mention a few - is done by
walking through hilly terrains and trails narrow in places, muddy in
others and along roads with grassland on both sides looking for species related
to that habitat and for raptors as well.. Be prepared for scattered showers
along the day.
Also with time permitting we visit El Chiru, Juan Hombron, Chame.
WEATHER The climate in the El Valle region is considerably cooler than
that of the Central Panama/Canal Zone. Mornings and evenings are cooler while
midday temperatures usually do not exceed the low 80s. Clouds and overcast skies
frequently prevail in higher areas, leading to damp conditions.
ACCOMODATIONS You will find many comfortable and elegant B&B´s and Hotels
to choose from. For reservations or for reference contact
EATING FACILITIES Many good local restaurants in the area offering
Panamanian and international ditches. CLOTHING Besides the light
clothing usually recommended, be prepared for chilled nights and mornings at
least one warm sweater or jacket plus the cotton shirts or t-shirts - earth
colors preferable- long (preferable) and short pants, poncho, hiking shoes, hat,
insect repellent and sun block. Dress as for tropical hot humid weather and be
ready for rain any time.
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scope (optional), field guide, notebook and camera (optional ). GUIDE BOOK
RECOMMENDED These two books are an example of hard work put into, and for
the benefit, of conserving Panama’s birds: “The Birds of Panama, a field
guide by George R Angehr and Robert Dean Can be describe as the “bible”
forPanama and some Costa Rica birds. First published 2010. This excellent field
guide is highly recommended as your primary reference book on the birds.
“An Illustrated Field Guide to the Birds of Panama” by Ernesto Ponce and
Giselle Muschett, 2006, 1st Edition. It can be described as “a descriptive
fieldwork tool” for fast information . BIRDS TO LOOK FOR This is a
listing of the birds we have seen on different tours along El Valle and
surrounding areas , and some additions from friends, guess and people who have
collaborated sharing with us their sightings. The list is continuously on the
move. Feel free to send your findings and comments toinfo@birdingbyboattour.com
Among the specialties found in El Valle and Cerro El Gaital:
Slaty Antwren Black-headed Antthrush Common Bush-Tanager
Black-faced Grosbeak Green Hermit Violet-headed Hummingbird
White-tailed Emerald Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant White-ruffed Manakin
Blue-and-white Swallow White-throated Thrush Silver-throated Tanager
Black-and-yellow Tanager Orange-bellied Trogon Yellow-eared Toucanet
Plain Antvireo Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch Red-legged Honeycreepers
Thick-billed Euphonias Clay-colored Robins Black-chested Jays Rufous
Motmot Blue-grays Tanager Flame-rumped Tanager Crimson-backed Tanager
White-lined Tanager Palm Tanager, and the odd olive and black Dusky-faced
Tanager Red-crowned Ant-Tanager Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Green
Hermit, Green Thorntail, White-vented Plumeleteer, Snowy-bellied
hummingbird Violet-headed hummingbird Purple-crowned Fairy
Violet-crowned Woodnymph, Garden Emerald Stripe-throated Hermit. Rufous-crested
Coquette Emeral Tanager Bay-headed Tanager Golden-hooded Tanager
Flame-rumped Tanager Tawny-crested Tanager Silver-throated Tanager
Barred Hawk Bat Falcon Lineated Woodpecker Keel-billed Toucan
Orange-bellied Trogon Spotted Woodcreeper Paltry Tyrannulet
Tawny-capped Euphonia Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
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White Hawk photo by Eva Callahan

Black-breasted Puffbird

Red-lored Amazon by
